AG Electrical Contractors offers innovative, reliable, turnkey electrical design and installation services in five key areas:

When your name is on the line, you need the very best – so choose AG Electrical Contractors.
From new construction design and build projects to complex industrial controls and datacom wiring, we do impeccable work, and we do it right the first time: on time, on budget, and without problems. Our clients trust our results and stay with us for years.
We service the entire New Jersey area with a team that includes experienced, highly trained electrical technicians, engineers and a New Jersey licensed Electrical Inspector on staff. Best of all, we’re incredibly proud to hold an “A” safety rating from ISNetworld.
For your next electrical project, choose a partner you can trust. Choose AG Electrical Contractors, and see the difference we’ll make.
Looking to advance your career?
We're always looking for skilled electricians, project managers, estimators, and admin assistants. Apply Here

Ready to request an estimate on your next New Jersey electrical services project? Contact us today! | Sitemap
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