If you’ve ever experienced adverse weather conditions, brownouts or utility failures, you know how a power loss can damage your business.
If you can’t afford to be without power, a generator is a smart investment. Protect your valuable electrical systems — including lighting, computers, security systems, HVAC systems and more.
We are a certified Cummins dealer, and we can help you select the right solution. We’ll ensure your installation meets your needs as well as local codes, and we service every generator we install, so you’ll never be in the dark again.
Power Generator Features
Today’s power generators include sensors that monitor a building’s incoming utility power. If the system senses an interruption, it automatically supplies electrical power.
Generators can be installed for homes and businesses of any size. The price can vary significantly depending on the amount of power you need. The following are examples of typical installations:
- For existing buildings
- As part of a new construction project
- Adjacent to the building it serves
- Powering critical or emergency systems
Selecting a Generator: Diesel, Natural Gas or Propane?
Each type of generator has its own advantages, depending on your needs.
Diesel Generators
- Smaller engine to provide the same power as a natural gas generator
- Burns cleaner than natural gas generators and requires fewer emission controls
- Doesn’t require plumbing or gas piping to install
- Is a good alternative when natural gas is unavailable and propane is undesirable
Natural Gas Generators
- Supply line is easy to stub out during construction
- Natural gas is readily available in most communities
- Refueling is unnecessary
Propane Generators
- Obtaining diesel fuel may be difficult in natural disasters
- Packs significant power
- Readily available alternative to natural gas
Success Story
In the fall of 2012, two weeks before Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast, Flying Food Group approached us for solutions for the anticipated power outage. AG Electrical Contractors proposed a 500-kilowatt temporary standby generator that would power all freezers and refrigerators. After the generator was quickly installed, AG Electrical Contractors made emergency preparations, including diesel fuel deliveries, extra fuel filters and an on-site technician. As predicted, Flying Food Group lost power but within 30 minutes, AG Electrical had the generator – and Flying Food Group – up and running – and they remained on emergency power for 12 days straight.
Flying Food Group — and AG Electrical Contractors — captured new customers because of their advance preparation, and they are still loyal clients.

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